page last updated: July 11, 2024
Works in progress, or open notebooks:
[note: these may or may not be viewable/editable publicly or by you. I'm exploring different ways and degrees to be be open or collaborative in writing and projects. But contact me if you want to view, comment, or edit anything, I'm usually up for that].
"Chairs of Infinite Space: designing and living in the micro-adjacent".
what if you built your home by extending the capabilities of a single chair?"Homefulness, Homexcess, Homelessness: Reimagining Housing" (working title). Book/essay collaboration with Steven M. Johnson (Wikipedia; Steven Johnson's site).
"Housing By Higher Powers: the transformative potential of faith organizations." (for SIghtline Institute).
"What [housing] is to be done, who and what should decide?"
[evolving from earlier versions/writings "Open Inclusionary Housing", and on OHNA (Oregon Housing Needs Analysis, etc."Homelessness Is a Housing Diversity Problem." Critique and counter-views on the often-mentioned book and idea "Homelessness Is a Housing Problem."
Equity Organizing: handbook discussing patterns of inequity that tend to occur in organizations and projects, case studies, and tools/strategies to counteract.
Village Buildings: West Cast Housing from the Bottom Up. Relaunching this open book project gathering materials from me and contributors/collaborators, developed as sequel to 2014 book Tent City Urbanism by Andrew Heben.
Movable Housing - collector for related notes, research, projects.
Selected recent items:
[see also list in menu under "Writing/Essays"]
KOOP 91.7 Austin radio appearance, On monthly IN THE CITY show, part of the rotation of weekly Reflections on Community Organizing show; May 6 2024.
"Alternative Housing: how mobile, self-build, village, co- op etc approaches open radical possibilities." February 28, 2024 presentation at YIMBYtown 2024 conference, (Feb 26-28, in Austin, Texas).
"Learning from the Least Housed" ["A case for agile, self-build and bottom-up options to unlock housing choice … by many means necessary"]. Sightline Institute, September 2023.
"We’re Wildly Underestimating the Potential of Mobile Housing." ["For about $10,000, you can own it. It can turn parking lots to villages, then back again. It can go anywhere with you. But our laws almost always ban the simple home on wheels"]. Sightline Institute, September 9, 2022.