Readings spreadsheet
I use this live spreadsheet to gather and manage reading material. Currently, it is for my digital files, which are mostly PDFs and some ePub books. I'm considering extending this to include also listing of print materials, perhaps even other media, though. I imagine a sort of master list of all media read/seen/heard, or noted/collected for later 'reading', drawing together the tracking I currently do in multiple places e.g. Films List, LibraryThing (personal book catalog), podcast app, etc. Of course, you could choose to view this by different facets, e.g. only video, only audio.
How this rolls (mainly note to self):
For any file added to the _Readings folder in my GDrive, a script (on automatically adds a new line at end of the spreadsheet, with name of and link to the file, and date added. I have been periodically moving new items to the top, to keep the spreadsheet in reverse-chronological order.
However, I am shifting to a manual prioritizing approach, of moving to top of list those items I wish to focus on more. [I'm looking for easier ways to do this, e.g. setting up a move-to-top script].
Also, moving older, read, or de-prioritized items into a separate Sheet to declutter.